Become a trainer and assessor!
Your wealth of knowledge and experience sets you up for an exciting career as a trainer with the TAE40122 qualification.
If you have a passion for working with people, a genuine interest in the learning process and have knowledge and skills you’ve gained from working for several years, then the TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment is a qualification that should be on your radar.
The TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment is particularly suited to people who are looking for an opportunity to work for registered training organisations (RTOs) and those looking to become a trainer in the workplace.
What is the TAE40122 qualification?
The TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment is the leading nationally-recognised qualification for those pursuing careers in training and assessment. It enables employment within both public and private business and not-for-profit sectors. Completing this qualification indicates that you have the knowledge and skills to assess training needs, develop programs and deliver training to groups or individuals. You will also be able to provide constructive feedback to participants on their performance assessments.
Occupational Skills Across Industries
Something really appealing about this course is that it’s designed to apply to any number of different industries. Whether you work in a customer service environment or a management role, or even if you are just interested in how people learn, this course has something to offer you. It is also applicable to a whole host of different jobs, so if you are considering a change in career direction then this could be the perfect path to a new and rewarding future.
It is also it is an excellent stepping stone for individuals who wish to move into senior management roles within organisations or as small business owners because of the general presentation skills it provides. If you are currently unemployed, this qualification can help you find a job that will bring satisfaction to you in your professional life.
TAE40122 Duration and Workload
With all those positives, it should be noted that the TAE40122 is not just any old qualification you can pick up on a whim. It does take some hard work and dedication to attain. But once you’re qualified you will be in high demand, and you will be able to pass on your previous skills and knowledge to the next generation.
Become a Trainer and Assessor
There are many thousands of jobs as a trainer and assessor available. These jobs can be very fulfilling and provide the ability to maintain a work/life balance. It’s also a job you can really build a career around. For example, you can be paid to travel to different organisations and assess their employees, or to do one-off training sessions where you are hired to help an individual or group of people.
Another significant benefit is the flexibility of setting your own goals. You often get to set your hours and where you wish to work. Trainers often have a substantial say in what they want to do and how they complete their tasks. Feedback and collaboration are highly sought after. It is a profession that involves working with people and improving lives, so if you enjoy this element, then there can be significant job satisfaction as everyone has different needs and desires.
Get Qualified and Start Your New Career
The world of work is changing. If you are thinking about your future career and looking for something that offers you a lot of flexibility and is interesting, then you really should consider gaining your TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. Not only will you be left feeling empowered by your own achievements, but the lives you can change as a qualified trainer will give real meaning to your ability to make a difference in the world.