You must possess the following course entry prerequisites to enrol in our courses. If you do not possess any of the applicable prerequisite items you must not enrol online and must instead refer to the training manager for further determination:

1. Digital prerequisites – all students: 
A. Computer and internet access:  You must have access to a computer (with Adobe Reader and Microsoft Word installed) and a reliable Internet connection to access your learning documentation (a phone or tablet is not sufficient).
B. Video recording device: You will require access to a video recording device (such as a webcam or smartphone) to record yourself undertaking certain assessment activities.
C. Technology:  You must be comfortable using technology to locate information and research topics – for example, to find a copy of a regulation using Google – and in using the main features and functions of digital tools (such as word processing programs, email and printers) to complete work tasks.

2. LLN prerequisites – all students:  All students must possess the following language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) abilities:
A. Learning ability: You must be comfortable using your experience to reflect on ways that variables impact outcomes, and identify future improvements.  You must be self-directing, able to manage your own learning and be able to plan and balance multiple requirements and meet deadlines.
B. English reading ability: You must be comfortable reading and interpreting a range of documentation relevant to the subject – this includes organisational policies and procedures and assessment instructions.
C. English writing ability:  You will be required to draft and develop various documents using appropriate format and language for the context and the audience. You must be comfortable writing documents such as formal documents, including instructions, information updates and completing report templates.
D. English speaking ability: You will be required to participate in verbal exchanges using clear language and appropriate tone and syntax to provide relevant information.  You must be able to use active listening and questioning to elicit the views and opinions of others.

3. You must be able to independently complete the following: 
A. Able to use Word, open PDF’s, save, rename and move files around, download and upload files in online systems and be comfortable to learn new programs and technology.
B. Search and read a range of information from the internet using sites such as
C. Have access to a computer or laptop (a phone or tablet is not sufficient) and are comfortable to use this without guidance
D. Write a range of different documents including learning programs, session plans, describing contents and ideas, outlining reasons and opinions and developing resources such as powerpoints, handouts, quizzes and observation checklists
E.Be creative and have problem solving abilities so you can adapt and find solutions

4. TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment – all courses: You must possess vocational competence in your proposed area of training and assessing (e.g., hairdressing, or welding).

5. TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment – Workplace Trainers RPL+GAP training course:  Students in this specialist course must be experienced teachers, trainers or presenters who possess the relevant experience.

You must have checked your eligibility, and been deemed eligible for this pathway prior to enrolment via the online eligibility application.

Your current or former employer (i.e., the school principal in the case of teachers) must also be willing to certify various aspects of your teaching or training experience and background.

6. TAE50122 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training prerequisites:  

  • Those entering this qualification must demonstrate current VET skills and knowledge relevant to the specialisations chosen in this qualification
  • Hold the TAE40110* / TAE40116 / TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training & Assessment
  • *Holders of the TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training & Assessment must also hold the below units which can be attained during your TAE50122 Diploma enrolment. Find out more about attaining the TAE50122 prerequisites with Plenty now.
    • Unit TAEDES411 Use nationally recognised training products to meet vocational training needs (or its previous version TAEDES402 Use training packages and accredited courses to meet client needs)
    • Unit TAEASS413 Participate in assessment validation (or its previous version TAEASS403 Participate in assessment validation)
    • Unit TAEDEL411 Facilitate vocational training (or its previous version TAEDEL401 Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning)
    • Unit TAEASS412 Assess competence (or its previous version TAEASS402 Assess competence)
  • Strongly recommended to be working in a Registered Training Organisation (RTO)
  • You must be able to provide evidence of having (this can be achieved during the duration of your course enrolment and must be from within the last two years):
    • Recently facilitated at least 100 hours of vocational training with two or more groups of learners based on nationally recognised products
    • Collected feedback from at least four peers and 10 learners
    • Access to at least four VET teachers and trainers
    • Developed your own assessment practice in VET
    • Supported the development of at least three VET assessors and obtained their feedback
    • Led team-based assessment of at least three other assessors
    • Conducted at least 30 competency-based assessments of at least one entire unit of competency from a nationally recognised training package or accredited course for at least 10 different candidates.