At Plenty Training, we recognize the unique needs of corporations and provide a diverse range of training options to elevate your team’s capabilities. Whether you’re considering nationally-accredited full courses, targeted skill sets, or customised non-accredited training, our solutions are designed to align seamlessly with your organisational goals.

Nationally Recognised Full Courses

Our nationally-accredited full courses, including the TAE40122 and TAE50122, are meticulously designed to equip your team with essential training and assessment skills. The Diploma of Vocational Education & Training is tailored for those in management roles, offering comprehensive insights into designing and managing effective training programs.

    • Recognised Expertise: Attain industry-recognised qualifications that distinguish your team.
    • Enhanced Leadership: Foster leadership skills with targeted programs for managerial roles.
    • Elevated Capabilities: Position your organisation with elevated capabilities and industry relevance.

Nationally Recognised Skill Sets

Our nationally-accredited skill sets, such as Assessor, Facilitation, and Online learning and assessment, provide precision training for targeted competencies. These modules are designed to keep your team current with industry requirements and offer flexibility in aligning with your organisational goals.

  • Targeted Competency: Focus on specific competencies critical to your organisation’s success.
  • Adaptability: Choose from a variety of skill sets for a flexible and adaptable training approach.
  • Industry Relevance: Stay current with industry trends and requirements through our precision training.

Non-Accredited Training

Our non-accredited training solutions offer unparalleled flexibility, allowing you to tailor programs precisely to your corporate objectives. Covering a wide array of subjects relevant to training, assessing, and management, these customised solutions address specific knowledge or skill gaps within your team.

  • Tailored Precision: Customise training to align precisely with your corporate objectives.
  • Adapt to Needs: Address specific knowledge or skill gaps within your team with adaptive training.
  • Versatility: Experience the flexibility and relevance of non-accredited training designed for your unique challenges and goals.